
Further steps have been taken over the past months to ensure the conservation of native flora and fauna within Passel Estate, with particular emphasis on protecting rare and threatened species.

Conservation Continues …

Further steps have been taken over the past months to ensure the conservation of native flora and fauna within Passel Estate, with particular emphasis on protecting rare and threatened species.

The native peppermint tree (Agonis flexuosa) is prevalent within our bushland sanctuary; good news given it is the prime habitat and food source for our critically endangered Western Ringtail Possums.  Our focus has moved from irrigation (during the Summer months) to new plantings of this species to increase habitat.  We’ve also been busy re-vegetating creek lines and other ‘bush corridors’ to link with outlying remnant bushland areas, allowing a range of fauna to utilize these resources and find new territories.

An active weed eradication program is currently underway to remove harmful species such as the Arum Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) and Apple of Sodom (Solanum linnaeanum), which can compete with native flora and perennial pasture plants, and harbour pests such as rabbits and snails (respectively).

Predator control measures have also been put in place and dogs are now required to be leashed in surrounding vineyard areas.  The latter move has also been of benefit to the tiny Western Pygmy Possum, often spotted in our vines around the busy harvest period.


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